Khrihfabu Muru

Acts 1:1-8

Khrihfabu cu vawlei thil menmen a si lo. 

 (1) There is a tendency in life to consider that which is supernatural

as natural or common. It is a malady that impacts all of us. Just like we can reduce

relationships as something very common we can also reduce the church to something that is

very common. 

(2) To review what God says about His church and lead us to a new

appreciation of what is means to be a part of the community of faith called the church. (3) To

address some needs that are directly related to our local church.

We too often reduce it to;

• a building

• a corporation

• a need meeting agency such as the Red Cross, etc.

• a value clarification center

• a calendar of activities

• an obligation of duty

• a theological proposition

Acts 1:1-8 gives us a sure and certain foundation for understanding the church. Tonight as

we study that passage we are going to discover 3 reasons why the church is supernatural.

The Church Has A Supernatural Beginning

1. Begins with a divine command – given orders, v.2.

It was not a man-made idea. It is the heart of God.

2. Begins with a divine conviction. The word was spoken into the hearts of the apostles.

3. Begins with a divine selection- whom He had chosen, v.2.

4. Begins with a divine commission – apostles, one who is sent.

5. Begins with a divine convincing – by many convincing proofs, v.3.

There has always been the tendency to reduce the church from without through persecution

and from within through unholy living.

The Church Has A Supernatural Agenda / Purpose

In today’s consumer mentality most people come into the church wanting to know what’s in it

for me and mine? Verse 6 indicates that the apostles must have had the very same problem.

Verse 3 declares that the agenda of the church is to declare the kingdom of God. The

agenda is to be involved in the eternal plan of God in reconciling lost humanity to Himself. No

one ever said that would be an easy task. 

The Church Has A Supernatural Power

Verses 4-5, and 8 admonish us to carry out the agenda not through our own power but

through the power that is ours in Christ through the Holy Spirit. It is not just a natural power

that is bigger and better. It is not like a different grade of octane that we may choose to

purchase for our car. 

Many times we try to supply our own fuel and do a supernatural work in

the strength our flesh. A supernatural agenda calls for a supernatural power.


1. Seek to grow in your understanding and appreciation for the church.

2. Give thanks you are a part of the supernatural community.

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