Stress Out
- By Chan Lian
- 1 August, 2021
- No Comments
Philipi: 4:4-7
– Ministry as Disney World imagined
– Psychologist Richard Blackmon who said, ”Pastors are the single most occupational frustrated group in America.” 75% percent of pastors go through a period of stress. Some insurance companies can charge up to four percent extra to cover church staff members compared to employees in other professions. The Los Angeles Times
– Losing hair, Blood pressure, Sweating
– The sha (safety and health administration) says that stress cost American businesses $300 billion dollars a year
– . Of all Americans, sixty-two percent say they experience a great deal of stress once a week.
– Everybody is vulnerable to the attack of stress. There are deadlines to meet, projects to finish, bills to pay, people to see, appointments to keep. There are unbearable people. There may be an abusive spouse, a mean-hard driving boss, and unexplainable problems like illness, the pink slip, or the one straight out of the pit of hell (your computer crashes).
4: Bawipa ah i lawm ko uh
– Rejoice ”Always” and the word ”again.”
– Joy and happiness (Joy can be achieved even when we are unhappy_
– Happiness isndetermined by what happens to us.
– Joy is is determined by what our Lord has done for us
– Our is bigger than your problems
– Dr. Earl henslin, wrote a book called, this is your brain on joy, and he said that joy and worry, joy and anxiety and discouragement travel the same pathway in our brains. It is normal for both of them to occupy the same path at the same time, so we choose which one gets the right-of-way. If we open the gate for joy, anxiety and worry have to get off the road.
5: Relax in the presence of our Lord
”Let your gentleness be evident to all. The lord is near.” (Philippians 4:5, niv)
The word ”gentleness” is talking about a temperament and an attitude that is calm under fire. It is steady. It refuses to panic or over-react.
you trust god is how you handle the stressful times in your life.
”But as for me, it is good to be near god. I have made the sovereign lord my refuge; I will tell of all your deeds.”
(psalm 73:28, niv)
– Near can mean both time and space
– Peace is the presence of god not no poblems
6: Release your problems to the lord
”Do not be anxious about anything…” (Philippians 4:6, niv)
Now I know it gets irritating when you are worried and somebody says to you, ”quit worrying”, but that is exactly what Paul does.
– ”worry is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere.”
I read about a french soldier in world war I and he carried into battle the best prescription for worry that i’ve ever come across.
”Of two things one is certain. Either you are at the front of the lines or you are behind the lines. If you are at the front, of two things one is certain. Either you are exposed to danger or you are in a safe place. If you are exposed to danger of two things one is certain. You are wounded or you are not wounded. If you are wounded of two things one is certain. You either recover or you die. If you recover, there is no need to worry and if die you can’t worry.”
– ”Give it to me. I’ve got this. Leave it to me and leave it with me.” have you ever come to god so discouraged, so destressed that you simply said, ”I can’t handle this?” i’ve got news for you. He can handle it. You can’t.
– Be thankful as God is handling your problems
7: Rest in the peace of the Lord
1. If you are stressed out, God will help you get the stress out. God will help you arrest stress, so you can be at rest without stress. Here is what will happen.
”And the peace of god, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7, niv)
2. God’s peace – Stress cannot penetrate.
– Temporary peace that people try to find through money or drugs or alcohol or sex, because that peace never lasts anyway.
3. Three boxes. ”worry.” – ”prayer.” – ”thanksgiving.” in the worry box, you put nothing. In the prayer box, you put everything. In the thanksgiving box, you put anything.
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